C Technical Memo
This note is created by bookdown
package on RStudio.
For bookdown
See (Xie 2015), (Xie 2017), (Yihui Xie 2018).
The following is a memo.
A. Install R and R Studio with necessary packages if needed
B. Create and setup ssh key by ssh-keygen
C. Setup Git-GitHub connection
- Create a GitHub account if needed
- Set ssh key by copying the value of the public SSH key to the clipboard using
and paste it into SSH Keys in the GitHub account
D. Remote Repository
- Log-in to the GitHub account
- Go to RStudio/bookdown-demo repository: https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown-demo
- Use This Template
- Input Repository Name
- Select Public - default
- Create a repository from the template
- Set Pages: Branch main, docs
E. Local Repository
- Copy: Code > Clone > SSH from the GitHub repository
- Create a new project by Version Control Git
- Change directory name
- Edit YAMLs
All source files are in the GitHub Repository.
C.1 To Do List
in ePub_book.- It may be better to give up ePub book mode.
See also bookdown ePub version page 33. I could not retrieve the same. (See page 32 as well.)
Environment of align
\[\begin{align} A & = B\\ & = C \end{align}\]eqnarray*
\[\begin{eqnarray*} A &=& B\\ & = & C \end{eqnarray*}\]array
in equation with minus spacing \[ \begin{array}{lcl} A & \!\!=\!\! & B\\ & \!\!=\!\! & C \end{array} \]split
in equation
\[\begin{equation} \begin{split} A & = B\\ & = C \end{split} \tag{C.1} \end{equation}\]
- Shaded Box using
with environmenths
in PDF - Controlling top icons
- My template of
- Difference in numbering; HTML and PDF
template anddoc
directory- Style of citation in PDF