A Appendix A Nightingale’s Data

Nightingale’s data is contained in HistData Package of R. See https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/HistData/versions/0.8-6/topics/Nightingale

A.2 HistData: Data Sets from the History of Statistics and Data Visualization

A.2.1 Nightingale Datasets

  • Details: For a given cause of death, D, annual rates per 1000 are calculated as 12 * 1000 * D / Army, rounded to 1 decimal.

The two panels of Nightingale’s Coxcomb correspond to dates before and after March 1855

  • Format: A data frame with 24 observations on the following 10 variables.
  • Date: a Date, composed as as.Date(paste(Year, Month, 1, sep=‘-’), “%Y-%b-%d”)
  • Month: Month of the Crimean War, an ordered factor
  • Year: Year of the Crimean War
  • Army: Estimated average monthly strength of the British army
  • Disease: Number of deaths from preventable or mitagable zymotic diseases
  • Wounds: Number of deaths directly from battle wounds
  • Other: Number of deaths from other causes
  • Disease.rate: Annual rate of deaths from preventable or mitagable zymotic diseases, per 1000
  • Wounds.rate: Annual rate of deaths directly from battle wounds, per 1000
  • Other.rate: Annual rate of deaths from other causes, per 1000

A.2.2 References

  1. Nightingale, F. (1858) Notes on Matters Affecting the Health, Efficiency, and Hospital Administration of the British Army Harrison and Sons, 1858
  2. Nightingale, F. (1859) A Contribution to the Sanitary History of the British Army during the Late War with Russia London: John W. Parker and Son.
  3. Small, H. (1998) Florence Nightingale’s statistical diagrams http://www.florence-nightingale-avenging-angel.co.uk/GraphicsPaper/Graphics.htm
  4. Pearson, M. and Short, I. (2008) Nightingale’s Rose (flash animation). http://understandinguncertainty.org/files/animations/Nightingale11/Nightingale1.html

A.3 Exploratory Data Analysis Using tidyverse Package

A.3.1 Reading Nightingale Data and Glimpse the Structure

##          Date Month Year  Army Disease Wounds Other Disease.rate Wounds.rate
## 1  1854-04-01   Apr 1854  8571       1      0     5          1.4         0.0
## 2  1854-05-01   May 1854 23333      12      0     9          6.2         0.0
## 3  1854-06-01   Jun 1854 28333      11      0     6          4.7         0.0
## 4  1854-07-01   Jul 1854 28722     359      0    23        150.0         0.0
## 5  1854-08-01   Aug 1854 30246     828      1    30        328.5         0.4
## 6  1854-09-01   Sep 1854 30290     788     81    70        312.2        32.1
## 7  1854-10-01   Oct 1854 30643     503    132   128        197.0        51.7
## 8  1854-11-01   Nov 1854 29736     844    287   106        340.6       115.8
## 9  1854-12-01   Dec 1854 32779    1725    114   131        631.5        41.7
## 10 1855-01-01   Jan 1855 32393    2761     83   324       1022.8        30.7
## 11 1855-02-01   Feb 1855 30919    2120     42   361        822.8        16.3
## 12 1855-03-01   Mar 1855 30107    1205     32   172        480.3        12.8
## 13 1855-04-01   Apr 1855 32252     477     48    57        177.5        17.9
## 14 1855-05-01   May 1855 35473     508     49    37        171.8        16.6
## 15 1855-06-01   Jun 1855 38863     802    209    31        247.6        64.5
## 16 1855-07-01   Jul 1855 42647     382    134    33        107.5        37.7
## 17 1855-08-01   Aug 1855 44614     483    164    25        129.9        44.1
## 18 1855-09-01   Sep 1855 47751     189    276    20         47.5        69.4
## 19 1855-10-01   Oct 1855 46852     128     53    18         32.8        13.6
## 20 1855-11-01   Nov 1855 37853     178     33    32         56.4        10.5
## 21 1855-12-01   Dec 1855 43217      91     18    28         25.3         5.0
## 22 1856-01-01   Jan 1856 44212      42      2    48         11.4         0.5
## 23 1856-02-01   Feb 1856 43485      24      0    19          6.6         0.0
## 24 1856-03-01   Mar 1856 46140      15      0    35          3.9         0.0
##    Other.rate
## 1         7.0
## 2         4.6
## 3         2.5
## 4         9.6
## 5        11.9
## 6        27.7
## 7        50.1
## 8        42.8
## 9        48.0
## 10      120.0
## 11      140.1
## 12       68.6
## 13       21.2
## 14       12.5
## 15        9.6
## 16        9.3
## 17        6.7
## 18        5.0
## 19        4.6
## 20       10.1
## 21        7.8
## 22       13.0
## 23        5.2
## 24        9.1
## Rows: 24
## Columns: 10
## $ Date         <date> 1854-04-01, 1854-05-01, 1854-06-01, 1854-07-01, 1854-08-…
## $ Month        <ord> Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Ma…
## $ Year         <int> 1854, 1854, 1854, 1854, 1854, 1854, 1854, 1854, 1854, 185…
## $ Army         <int> 8571, 23333, 28333, 28722, 30246, 30290, 30643, 29736, 32…
## $ Disease      <int> 1, 12, 11, 359, 828, 788, 503, 844, 1725, 2761, 2120, 120…
## $ Wounds       <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 81, 132, 287, 114, 83, 42, 32, 48, 49, 209…
## $ Other        <int> 5, 9, 6, 23, 30, 70, 128, 106, 131, 324, 361, 172, 57, 37…
## $ Disease.rate <dbl> 1.4, 6.2, 4.7, 150.0, 328.5, 312.2, 197.0, 340.6, 631.5, …
## $ Wounds.rate  <dbl> 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 32.1, 51.7, 115.8, 41.7, 30.7, 1…
## $ Other.rate   <dbl> 7.0, 4.6, 2.5, 9.6, 11.9, 27.7, 50.1, 42.8, 48.0, 120.0, …

A.3.2 Comparison of Death Causes

df_cause <- Nightingale %>%
  select(Disease, Wounds, Other) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = everything(), names_to = "Cause", values_to = "Death")

df_cause %>% ggplot(aes(x = Cause, y = Death)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")

df_cause %>% ggplot(aes(x = "", y = Death, fill = Cause)) + 
  geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity") + 
  coord_polar("y", start=0)

total = sum(df_cause$Death)
df_cause %>% 
  group_by(Cause) %>%
  summarize(Rate = round(sum(Death)/total*100, digits = 1))
## # A tibble: 3 × 2
##   Cause    Rate
##   <chr>   <dbl>
## 1 Disease  80.5
## 2 Other     9.7
## 3 Wounds    9.8
df_rate <- Nightingale %>%
  select(Date, Army, Disease, Wounds, Other) %>%
  mutate(Death_Rate = (Disease + Wounds + Other)/Army,
         Disease_Rate = Disease/Army) 

df_rate %>% ggplot(aes(x = Date)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Death_Rate)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = Disease_Rate), color = "blue") + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = as.Date("1855-04-01"), color = "red")

A.3.3 Data Wrangling - Tidying Data

  1. First focus on the rates by cause
  2. Month, Year columns are redundant and use Date
  3. When rates are considered, Army, Desease, Wounds and Other columns are not necessary.
  4. We use long table to apply ggplot2 to visualize data.
dat %>% pivot_longer(cols = "columns kept as a vector", names_to = "variable", values_to = "date")
df_fn <- Nightingale %>%
  select(Date, "Disease_Rate" = Disease.rate, "Wounds_Rate" = Wounds.rate, "Other_Rate" = Other.rate) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = Disease_Rate:Other_Rate, names_to = "Cause", values_to = "Deaths")
## # A tibble: 72 × 3
##    Date       Cause        Deaths
##    <date>     <chr>         <dbl>
##  1 1854-04-01 Disease_Rate    1.4
##  2 1854-04-01 Wounds_Rate     0  
##  3 1854-04-01 Other_Rate      7  
##  4 1854-05-01 Disease_Rate    6.2
##  5 1854-05-01 Wounds_Rate     0  
##  6 1854-05-01 Other_Rate      4.6
##  7 1854-06-01 Disease_Rate    4.7
##  8 1854-06-01 Wounds_Rate     0  
##  9 1854-06-01 Other_Rate      2.5
## 10 1854-07-01 Disease_Rate  150  
## # … with 62 more rows
ggplot(df_fn) +
  geom_bar(aes(x = Date, y = Deaths, fill = Cause), stat="identity")

Default of the position is “stack”. The other options are “dodge” and “identity”. The option “identity” is not useful for bars, because it overlaps them. See that overlapping by setting a small value for alpha, transparancy.

ggplot(df_fn) +
  geom_bar(aes(x = Date, y = Deaths, fill = Cause), stat = "identity", position = "dodge")

df_fn %>% filter(Date >= as.Date("1855-08-01")) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_bar(aes(x = Date, y = Deaths, fill = Cause), stat = "identity", position = "identity", alpha = 0.4)

df_fn %>% filter(Date >= as.Date("1855-08-01")) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_bar(aes(x = Date, y = Deaths, fill = Cause), stat = "identity", position = "dodge")

Let us split the data into two and see the change before and after the Sanitary Commission arrived in the middle of the war, i.e, March 6, 1885.

df_fn_ba <- df_fn %>% 
  mutate(Regime = if_else(Date < as.Date("1855-04-01"), "Before", "After"))
df_fn_ba %>% filter(Date > as.Date("1855-01-01") & Date < as.Date("1855-06-01"))
## # A tibble: 12 × 4
##    Date       Cause        Deaths Regime
##    <date>     <chr>         <dbl> <chr> 
##  1 1855-02-01 Disease_Rate  823.  Before
##  2 1855-02-01 Wounds_Rate    16.3 Before
##  3 1855-02-01 Other_Rate    140.  Before
##  4 1855-03-01 Disease_Rate  480.  Before
##  5 1855-03-01 Wounds_Rate    12.8 Before
##  6 1855-03-01 Other_Rate     68.6 Before
##  7 1855-04-01 Disease_Rate  178.  After 
##  8 1855-04-01 Wounds_Rate    17.9 After 
##  9 1855-04-01 Other_Rate     21.2 After 
## 10 1855-05-01 Disease_Rate  172.  After 
## 11 1855-05-01 Wounds_Rate    16.6 After 
## 12 1855-05-01 Other_Rate     12.5 After
df_fn_ba %>% filter(Regime == "Before") %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_bar(aes(x = as.factor(Date), y=Deaths, fill = Cause), 
           width = 1, position="identity", stat="identity", alpha = 0.5) + 
  scale_y_sqrt() +
  coord_polar(start = 3*pi/2) +
  labs(title = "Causes of Mortality in the Army in the East")

df_fn_ba %>% filter(Regime == "After") %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_bar(aes(x = as.factor(Date), y=Deaths, fill = Cause), 
           width = 1, position="identity", stat="identity", alpha = 0.5) + 
  scale_y_sqrt() +
  coord_polar(start = 3*pi/2) +
  labs(title = "Causes of Mortality in the Army in the East")

Please refer to the folloing code, f you want to use facet_grid. The argument scales = “free” of facet_grid does not support coord_polar. However, if you add the first two lines, it seems to work. See https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/issues/2815.

cp <- coord_polar(theta = "x", start = 3*pi/2)
cp$is_free <- function() TRUE

df_fn_ba %>% #filter(Regime == "Before") %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_bar(aes(x = as.factor(Date), y=Deaths, fill = Cause), 
           width = 1, position="identity", stat="identity", alpha = 0.5) + 
  scale_y_sqrt() + # death scale is proportional to the area
  cp + 
  facet_grid(. ~ Regime, labeller = label_both, scales = "free") + 
  labs(title = "Causes of Mortality in the Army in the East") +
  theme(aspect.ratio = 1)

df_fn_before <- df_fn %>% filter(Date < as.Date("1855-04-01"))
## [1] 36
df_fn_after <- df_fn %>% filter(Date >= as.Date("1855-04-01"))
## [1] 36
ggplot(df_fn_before) +
  geom_bar(aes(x = Date, y = Deaths, fill = Cause), stat = "identity", position = "dodge")

ggplot(df_fn_after) +
  geom_bar(aes(x = Date, y = Deaths, fill = Cause), stat = "identity", position = "dodge")

A.4 Original Code in Nightingale document

A.4.1 reshape Package: Flexibly Reshape Data


# For some graphs, it is more convenient to reshape death rates to long format
#  keep only Date and death rates
##  要求されたパッケージ reshape をロード中です
##  次のパッケージを付け加えます: 'reshape'
##  以下のオブジェクトは 'package:dplyr' からマスクされています:
##     rename
##  以下のオブジェクトは 'package:tidyr' からマスクされています:
##     expand, smiths
Night<- Nightingale[,c(1,8:10)]
melted <- melt(Night, "Date")
names(melted) <- c("Date", "Cause", "Deaths")
melted$Cause <- sub("\\.rate", "", melted$Cause)
melted$Regime <- ordered( rep(c(rep('Before', 12), rep('After', 12)), 3), 
                          levels=c('Before', 'After'))
Night <- melted

# subsets, to facilitate separate plotting
Night1 <- subset(Night, Date < as.Date("1855-04-01"))
Night2 <- subset(Night, Date >= as.Date("1855-04-01"))

# sort according to Deaths in decreasing order, so counts are not obscured [thx: Monique Graf]
Night1 <- Night1[order(Night1$Deaths, decreasing=TRUE),]
Night2 <- Night2[order(Night2$Deaths, decreasing=TRUE),]

# merge the two sorted files
Night <- rbind(Night1, Night2)

# Before plot
cxc1 <- ggplot(Night1, aes(x = factor(Date), y=Deaths, fill = Cause)) +
        # do it as a stacked bar chart first
   geom_bar(width = 1, position="identity", stat="identity", color="black") +
        # set scale so area ~ Deaths    
        # A coxcomb plot = bar chart + polar coordinates
cxc1 + coord_polar(start=3*pi/2) + 
    ggtitle("Causes of Mortality in the Army in the East") + 

# After plot
cxc2 <- ggplot(Night2, aes(x = factor(Date), y=Deaths, fill = Cause)) +
   geom_bar(width = 1, position="identity", stat="identity", color="black") +
cxc2 + coord_polar(start=3*pi/2) +
    ggtitle("Causes of Mortality in the Army in the East") + 

The following part does not work. Error!

# do both together, with faceting
cxc <- ggplot(Night, aes(x = factor(Date), y=Deaths, fill = Cause)) +
 geom_bar(width = 1, position="identity", stat="identity", color="black") + 
 scale_y_sqrt() +
 facet_grid(. ~ Regime, scales="free", labeller=label_both)
 facet_grid(. ~ Regime, labeller=label_both)
cxc + coord_polar(start=3*pi/2) +
    ggtitle("Causes of Mortality in the Army in the East") + 
## What if she had made a set of line graphs?

# these plots are best viewed with width ~ 2 * height 
colors <- c("blue", "red", "black")
with(Nightingale, {
    plot(Date, Disease.rate, type="n", cex.lab=1.25, 
        ylab="Annual Death Rate", xlab="Date", xaxt="n",
        main="Causes of Mortality of the British Army in the East");
    # background, to separate before, after
    rect(as.Date("1854/4/1"), -10, as.Date("1855/3/1"), 
        1.02*max(Disease.rate), col=gray(.90), border="transparent");
    text( as.Date("1854/4/1"), .98*max(Disease.rate), "Before Sanitary\nCommission", pos=4);
    text( as.Date("1855/4/1"), .98*max(Disease.rate), "After Sanitary\nCommission", pos=4);
    # plot the data
    points(Date, Disease.rate, type="b", col=colors[1], lwd=3);
    points(Date, Wounds.rate, type="b", col=colors[2], lwd=2);
    points(Date, Other.rate, type="b", col=colors[3], lwd=2)
# add custom Date axis and legend
axis.Date(1, at=seq(as.Date("1854/4/1"), as.Date("1856/3/1"), "3 months"), format="%b %Y")
legend(as.Date("1855/10/20"), 700, c("Preventable disease", "Wounds and injuries", "Other"),
    col=colors, fill=colors, title="Cause", cex=1.25)

# Alternatively, show each cause of death as percent of total
Nightingale <- within(Nightingale, {
    Total <- Disease + Wounds + Other
    Disease.pct <- 100*Disease/Total
    Wounds.pct <- 100*Wounds/Total
    Other.pct <- 100*Other/Total

colors <- c("blue", "red", "black")
with(Nightingale, {
    plot(Date, Disease.pct, type="n",  ylim=c(0,100), cex.lab=1.25,
        ylab="Percent deaths", xlab="Date", xaxt="n",
        main="Percentage of Deaths by Cause");
    # background, to separate before, after
    rect(as.Date("1854/4/1"), -10, as.Date("1855/3/1"), 
        1.02*max(Disease.rate), col=gray(.90), border="transparent");
    text( as.Date("1854/4/1"), .98*max(Disease.pct), "Before Sanitary\nCommission", pos=4);
    text( as.Date("1855/4/1"), .98*max(Disease.pct), "After Sanitary\nCommission", pos=4);
    # plot the data
    points(Date, Disease.pct, type="b", col=colors[1], lwd=3);
    points(Date, Wounds.pct, type="b", col=colors[2], lwd=2);
    points(Date, Other.pct, type="b", col=colors[3], lwd=2)
# add custom Date axis and legend
axis.Date(1, at=seq(as.Date("1854/4/1"), as.Date("1856/3/1"), "3 months"), format="%b %Y")
legend(as.Date("1854/8/20"), 60, c("Preventable disease", "Wounds and injuries", "Other"),
    col=colors, fill=colors, title="Cause", cex=1.25)

# }