Last Update: July 18, 2020

Distance-Regular Graphs of Classical Parameters (d, q, a, b)

Examples of Distance-Regular Graphs of Classical Parameters

  1. Johnson graph J(n,d): (d, 1, 1, n-d)
  2. Grassmann graph Jq(n,d): (d, q, q, q[n-d]q)
  3. Dual polar graph (e = 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, 2): (d,q,0,qe)
  4. Dual polar graph U(2d,r): (d, -r, r(r+1)/(1-r), (r-(-r)d+1)/(1-r))
  5. Half dual polar graph: Dn.n(q): (d, q2, q2+q, q[m]q), [m=n=2d+1, or m+1 = n = 2d]
  6. Exceptional Lie graph E7,7(q): (3, q4, (q3+q2+q+1)q, q[9]q)
  7. Gosset graph E7(1): (3, 1, 4, 9)
  8. Triality graph 3D4,2(q): (3, -q, q/(1-q), q(q+1))
  9. Witt graph M24: (3, -2, -4, 10)
  10. Witt graph M23: (3, -2, -2, 5)
  11. Hamming graph H(d,n): (d, 1, 0, n-1)
  12. Halved cube (1/2)H(n,2): (d,1,2,m), [m=n=2d+1, or m+1 = n = 2d]
  13. Bilinear forms graph: (d, q, q-1, qn-1)
  14. Alternating forms graph: (d, q2, q2-1, qm-1), [m=n=2d+1, or m+1 = n = 2d]
  15. Heamitean forms graph q = r2: (d, -r, -r-1, -(-r)d-1)
  16. Affine E6(q) graph: (3, q4, q4-1, q9-1)
  17. Extended ternary Golay code graph: (3, -2, -3, 8)
  18. Pseudo Dm(q) graphs: (d, q, 0, 1)
  19. Dist. 1-or-2 in symplectic dual polar graph: (d, q2, q(q+1), q[m]q)
  20. Doob graph: (d, 1, 0, 3)
  21. Quadratic forms graph: (d, q2, q2-1, qm-1), , [m=n=2d-1, or m-1 = n = 2d]