Character Products and Q-polynomial Group Association Schemes


We study a finite group having a faithful character whose square has small number of irreducible characters as constituents. Let Irr(G) be the set of absolutely irreducible ordinary characters of a finite group G. For each f in Irr(G), let f = f if f is real valued and f= f+f' otherwise, where f' denotes the complex conjugate of f. Let RIrr(G) = {f | f is in Irr(G)}. For g in RIrr(G), let g2 = b*1 + a*g + h such that h is a character of G which does not contain g nor the principal character 1 as a constituent. We study the case when h is a scalar multiple of a sum of the characters in RIrr(G), which are in a single orbit with respect to the action of the Galois group Gal(Q/Q(g)). Here Q denotes the algebraic closure of Q in C and Q(g) is the field generated by the values of g. As an application, we give a classification of Q-polynomial group association schemes.

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